Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Lynch Woods--Town of Brighton

I had the chance to attend the Brighton Town Hall meeting October 12th, 2010 7-9pm. Lynch Woods was up for discussion amongst a small group of people. Tom Robinson had made his project presentation for the development of Lynch Woods to the group and I entered as the people were offering up their comments, concerns, corrections and questions. I introduced myself as a student from MCC and RIT who was particularly interested in Lynch Woods because of it's location relative to both campuses and it's ultimate role in the Greater Rochester Active Transportation System.
The development of bikes paths within this wooded area would make for a very scenic and enjoyable ride as well as become a connection point from MCC to the Lehigh Valley Trail, which would eventually bring a biker to RIT(southwest direction) or to UofR/Downtown Rochester(north direction).

The people that made up the meeting seemed to be interested in the Lynch Woods project as well as GRATS. Though there was much concern for the environment and the natural habitats Lynch Woods provides vs the use of added bikes and ATVs within the environment. One particular lady was concerned with the deer population moving and other man stressed the likely disruption of natural breeding pools for amphibians, etc. The project is in it's early stages and despite the environmental concerns the overall consensus wanted to move forward with the Lynch Woods project.

This is just another example of how many people are actually involved within the planning process of an idea.

Idea--> People--> Communication--> Planning--> Movement

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